Redefining Rockel

You know I never discuss female thermodynamics - Lou; Rescue Me

Rockel Recipes
Fake News
The Film of the Week
The WORD of the Week

Matthew 3:7-10

But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming to where he was baptizing, he said to them: "You brood of vipers! Who warned you to flee from the coming wrath?

Produce fruit in keeping with repentance.

And do not think you can say to yourselves, 'We have Abraham as our father.' I tell you that out of these stones God can raise up children for Abraham.

The ax is already at the root of the trees, and every tree that does not produce good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire.

Stupid Fact of the Week
There was only one civilian casualty during the three-day Battle of Gettysburg

25 December, 2005
posted by Rockel @ 9:06 AM   5 comments
23 December, 2005
And a reminder: Only two nights remain to celebrate The Birthmas! Celebrate away, people!
posted by Rockel @ 3:33 PM   0 comments
22 December, 2005
Exercise Your Right To Vote!!!
Vote Now!!!

Vote As Many Times As You Want!!!

Which Sport Will Come Out On Top???


You Make The Call...

Vote At Right.
posted by Rockel @ 8:13 PM   0 comments
21 December, 2005
I'll Take "The Rapists" For Two Hundred
Each of these websites gets a nod for Best URL of the Year:

Keeping you in the know, it's
"Who Represents?" at:

The best resources on the net,
"The Experts Exchange" at:

Need a vacation? Try
"Pen Island," at:

Need a good shrink? you need the
"Therapist Finder," at:
posted by Rockel @ 8:03 PM   0 comments
So, I am currently eating a wondrous pork concoction I just finished several minutes ago, and I just had to share with you delightful people just how amazing it is.

To quote "Hitchhiker's Guide":

"Come on, that's lovely."

Pork Tenderloin in Sour Cream Sauce served over Egg Noodles.
posted by Rockel @ 4:12 PM   2 comments
20 December, 2005
"The How"

If only you could see me now
And realize you'’re not The How,
Nor never will be e'’er again,
The Why, The Who, The Where, The When.

If only you could see me now
And see that I have found The How,
Though I can'’t see or even show,
And I don't think you even know.

posted by Rockel @ 5:02 PM   0 comments
Your Film Trailer Update
Listed according to kool-i-ness

The Fountain
American Dreamz
Inside Man
Tristam Shandy
Imagine Me & You
The Da Vinci Code
V For Vendetta
Ice Age 2
The 3 Burials of Melquiades Estrada
Catch And Release
posted by Rockel @ 1:16 PM   0 comments
Bill O'Reilly...
...attempting to jab Jon Stewart:

"Christmas is here again at Macy's. Predictably, the opponents of public displays of Christmas continue to put forth counter-arguments on 'Secular Central'. I -- I mean, Comedy Central."

Door prize to whoever can explain why Mr. O'Reilly is a moron, based only on this quote.
posted by Rockel @ 11:42 AM   2 comments
19 December, 2005
"Connect the Dots"
Somebody explain to me:

a) How the USPATRIOT Act would have stopped the attacks of September 11th, had it been in place at the time...

b) What the USPATRIOT Act has done since its enactment to prevent another such attack...

c) Why the USPATRIOT Act should be renewed...

d) Why politicians feel they must speak to the American people as though they were preschoolers.
posted by Rockel @ 2:45 PM   3 comments
Hold the Phones
Did anyone else see (or hear, as did I) the President's speech last night?

Whoever (or whatever team) wrote and coached him on that speech should be given some kind of medal of honor, improbability, or some such thing.

He seemed - if only for 16 minutes - Presidential.

Your thoughts on the speech...
...or on Bono and the Gates'...
...or on this horrible war on Christmas...
...are more than welcome.
posted by Rockel @ 3:11 AM   1 comments
16 December, 2005
Return To The Pain
Well... busy weekend for me coming up... Buies Creek, Christmas Carol, Sisser, Doyle... so, I leave you with the following post, which is the much-afterthought (as in much after, not much thought) of this.

It is interesting to think on emotional pain in the context - or perhaps, the phrasing - in which people speak of it. More often than not it is spoken of in terms of physical pain or injury: "heart ache," as ones head, bone, or muscle might; "burned by love," as though a hot brand or other such item had seared ones flesh; "broken heart/shattered emotions," as a bone may shatter, crippling a person; so forth; so on.

It is interesting to look at emotional pain in such terms; interesting, but not surprising. The human mind, like a distant lover, is able to comprehend on its own, and to a point, abstract feelings and emotions such as love, pain, and hope, but beyond the immediate and superficial comprehension, and as time elapses, it craves something concrete, something solid that it can see, hear, touch, and experience "first hand," as if, by examining something in closer proximity to the five senses one is better able to identify with his/her bewildering situation and thereby understand.

Having said that, I would like to attempt to gain a deeper understanding of emotional pain by examining a physical injury. For the purposes of this examination, we shall consider a laceration. Not a paper cut, but neither an amputation. A good, solid laceration.

The skin is broken by a sharp object, and part of the bodies protective hull, if you will, is breached. It is here that what we recognize as pain, an intensely uncomfortable feeling, first occurs.

Blood, the liquid life force, begins to flow out of the wound. If left unattended, it will continue to drain life from the victim, however, if met head-on with force, it is powerless and will do the only thing it can when left nowhere to go: clot.

Once the situation is successfully stabilized, there remains a tender wound. If dressed properly with a sterile bandage the wound remains clean and uninfected. If neglected, and if one is careless with what comes into contact with the vulnerable area, the wound easily becomes infected, which results in a sharpening of the painful sensation along with the possibility of spreading an infection to the remainder of the body.

Even if well taken care of, pain can continue to be present and even quite severe, if the wounded area is aggravated at all, by means of bumping into an object, placing too much strain on the part of the body that contains the wound, or some such event.

As the healing process continues, it is important to allow the wounded area to breath; to remove the bandage so that the skin is not depleted of oxygen. Again, here it is especially important to be mindful of cleanliness.

Ointments and treatments, such as Neosporin, can both help to maintain a clean environment for healing as well as assist the body in the healing process.

When the healing process is complete, the integrity of the protective hull is restored, and a scar remains, a reminder of that which caused the body harm.

So... my advice for those dealing with emotional pain? Be sure to stock up on Neosporin, not novocaine, for the soul.
posted by Rockel @ 12:48 PM   1 comments
15 December, 2005
Political Pic
Cute Pic
Inspirational Pic

"Smoking kills. If you're killed, you've lost a very important part of your life." - Brooke Shields.

Sex With Dummy
Tim The Diehard Packer Fan
Ahh, The Midwest Accent
What Kind Of English Do You Speak?
posted by Rockel @ 7:11 PM   3 comments
Santa is the Reason for the Season
Behold my beautiful Winter Solstice Tree.

Whoever heard of a tree that grows "in the mountains of Southern Europe,... the Scotch Highlands,... from Kamschatka across Siberia and Russia into Sweden, and Norway", used to pay tribute to the Pagan Sun god, being named after the Judeo-Christian Savior of the world, who spent his entire life in the Middle East... ridiculous.

And, so as not to offend any Germans:
(I apologize for the grammar... Blogger is not a big fan of umlauts)

"O Kristenbaum, o Kristenbaum, wie treu sind deine blatter.
Du grunst nicht nur zur sommerzeit, nein auch I’m winter wenn es schneit.
O Kristenbaum, o Kristenbaum, wie treu sind deine blatter.

O Kristenbaum, o Kristenbaum, du kannst mir sehr gefallen.
Wie oft hat nicht zur winterszeit
Ein baum von dir mich hoch erfreut!
O Kristenbaum, o Kristenbaum, du kannst mir sehr gefallen.

O Kristenbaum, o Kristenbaum, dein kleid will mich was lehren:
Die hoffnung und bestandigkeit
Gibt trost und kraft zu jeder zeit.
O Kristenbaum, o Kristenbaum, dein kleid will mich was lehren."
posted by Rockel @ 11:07 AM   0 comments
14 December, 2005
My new favorite things.
posted by Rockel @ 7:36 PM   0 comments
"Can't you look at the glass as being half full for once? It might be half full of shit, but it's still half full." - something I heard today.
posted by Rockel @ 5:05 PM   0 comments
13 December, 2005
Political Pic

Cute Pic

inspirational Pic

"Researchers have discovered that chocolate produces some of the same reactions in the brain as marijuana. The researchers also discovered other similarities between the two, but can't remember what they are." - Mat Lauer.
When Democracy Failed
It's All Relative
Very Peaceful Protest
Pay Tribute
posted by Rockel @ 6:07 PM   2 comments
Thoughts On "Tookie"
posted by Rockel @ 3:04 PM   2 comments
11 December, 2005
IM Conversation of the Day

[20:09] *** Auto-response from JAIME: making jingle balls and eating ice cream

[20:09] MatthewRockel: Jingle balls / If she calls / Tell her that I'm gay /

[20:10] MatthewRockel: Maybe she will get the hint and never come my waaaay-hey

[20:28] JAIME: somehow, I knew you would come up with something creative to say about that...

[20:28] MatthewRockel: Jingle balls / I hate malls / Move out of my way /

[20:28] MatthewRockel: If you do not very quickly your backside will paaaaay-hey

[20:29] JAIME: uh huh, glad your exercising your brain and all

[20:29] MatthewRockel: i try

[20:29] MatthewRockel: how are the balls?

[20:29] JAIME: ummm...well, they aren't balls yet...I have to go do that...right now they are a big bowl of goop

[20:30] MatthewRockel: nice...

[20:30] *** Auto-response from JAIME: oops....yep, my brain is definently on vacation today :-P

[20:30] MatthewRockel: is becky helping you with this project? or do you have the balls all to yourself?

[20:31] JAIME: all to myself

[20:31] MatthewRockel: well, be sure to be gentle with your balls

[20:31] MatthewRockel: and make sure the butter is well mixed in...

[20:31] MatthewRockel: you don't want to find any lumps on your balls

[20:31] JAIME: you like saying the word balls waaaay too much.

[20:32] JAIME: I'm going to go finish

[20:32] MatthewRockel: hey... they're your balls, missy

[20:32] JAIME: I know it

[20:32] MatthewRockel: go have fun with your balls

[20:32] JAIME: I will, thank you

posted by Rockel @ 6:37 PM   4 comments
Graphic Language

The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe.

It is breathtaking to be sure. However, almost equally breathtakingly excellent, it was also breathtakingly mediocre.

Insisting on close ups of the very emotive Mr. Tumnus seemed to be an excellent choice. However, the conflicting emotions pouring forth were often missed due to the disturbingly poor job done by the make up and prosthetics departments on his Faun nose.

As far as computer generation, some of the character work was brilliantly layered and composited. However, it seemed that the budget was busted on that, as some of the scenes that attempted to be made much more grand than any on-location set could provide, flopped miserably due to green screen editing so course it was almost laughable.

Costumes. On the whole, a good design. Very time-appropriate, though common, for the non-Narnia attire, with some dazzling, and others distracting, within the mystical forest. Aslan's costume was the best.

Music. Nice. Occasionally a bit overdramatic. But well-done, none the less.

Acting. Nothing special. A lot of choices I've seen before. Not necessarily bad, just familiar. I did not like the casting of Aslan.

Screenplay. Great adaptation. Pretty good pacing throughout, with little deviation from the original text, and even less deviation from the original intent.

Overall. I enjoyed the opportunity to relive the story, however I probably will not see it again on the big screen, nor will I purchase the dvd.

C.S. Lewis was a brilliant author. But Narnia is a fantasy series. A fantasy series that wonderfully engages the mind, encouraging the reader to fall back into the fertility of a child-like imagination. The land of Narnia, in many ways, represents such a fertile imagination, so very different from the stuffy mansion and the war-torn world from which the children came. As incredibly funny and realistic as some of the creatures were, seeing 4 young actors carry out dialogue with a realistic looking beaver (talking though he may be) somehow rings of something too realistic that is more distracting when viewed on the screen rather than in the mind.

If you did not heed my warning at the beginning of this post and are now apprehensive to see this film, please understand that the film is very well made and quite enjoyable (I even laughed aloud in several places), and I only now possess these opinions because I saw it myself. I would not wish to deprive anyone the same opportunity.
posted by Rockel @ 11:29 AM   4 comments
My God, My God, What Have I Done?
Today in church I went up for communion.

The church I attend is Lutheran, and offers the sacrament of communion by intinction:

The administration of the Eucharist by dipping the host into the wine and thus offering both simultaneously to the communicant.

I took the "host" (which proved to be less than fully absorbent) and dipped it into the wine. As I lifted the bread to my mouth, I cupped my other hand below it, as anyone would, raising such an item to ones mouth.

Just before it made it into my mouth, a small drop of wine fell off the bread and landed on my left palm.


The blood of Christ was on my hand.
posted by Rockel @ 8:36 AM   0 comments
10 December, 2005
Stereotypically Absurd
The other day I was driving my car, when I came up to a red traffic light.

While I waited for the light to turn, I looked over at the CVS pharmacy located across the street from where I was stopped. The store had one of those lovely, high tech signs that lights up, shining out into the darkness all of their specials and such.

An interesting message flashed up in bold, red type:

"Happy Holidays!"

I smiled, being a liberal.

But then another flashed up, equally as bold, and equally as red:

"Merry Christmas!"

How could this happen? I wondered to myself. Something must be done.

But no sooner than I had thought that, a car sped around the corner and came to a screeching halt out front of the CVS pharmacy.

The car was a hybrid. It was covered in bumper stickers promoting world peace, less taxes, and less Bush. The doors flew open.

The two gentlemen who emerged were tall, dark, and lanky. Each had a greasy handlebar mustache that their thumbs and index fingers casually and naturally were drawn to. They cursed and moaned as they stormed into the CVS pharmacy. The last thing I saw before they disappeared were the white letters emblazoned on the back of their black jackets. "ACLU."

Just a few seconds later, a large group of people (mainly women and children... and those less fortunate than most... and the mentally and physically handicapped... and the hardworking sons of industry... and intellectuals...) who looked to be good, honest, innocent people ran out crying.

A moment or two later, the gentlemen reemerged, holstering handguns that were obviously pulled once they were inside the CVS pharmacy. They each lit a cigarette and leaned against their hybrid, staring out towards the sign.

The sign flashed:

"Pepsi 12pk B1G1 FREE!"

And then:

"Happy Holidays!"

I held my breath. The gentlemen stood and took a step closer to the sign.

It flashed:

"Store Hours M-F 7-11"

I exhaled. The gentlemen flicked their cigarettes into a passing baby carriage, being pushed by a woman who looked no more than 16. They smiled and walked over to her, shaking her hand and conversing with her for about 10 seconds, before heading back towards their hybrid.

Before they entered the car, they each produced a handi-wipe from their pocket and wiped their hands thoroughly. Finally, they flicked their trash out into the parking lot, got into the hybrid, and sped off.

Wow, I thought to myself, this has got to be the longest light in the world. I'm never coming this way again.
posted by Rockel @ 4:01 PM   1 comments
09 December, 2005
Today's Wine
Today's wine is a bordeaux. The Lafite Rothschild, 1996.

"Tasted three times since bottling, the 1996 Lafite-Rothschild is unquestionably this renowned estate's greatest wine. As I indicated last year, only 38% of the crop was deemed grand enough to be put into the final blend, which is atypically high in Cabernet Sauvignon (83% Cabernet Sauvignon, 7% Cabernet Franc, 7% Merlot, and 3% Petit Verdot). This massive wine may be the biggest, largest-scaled Lafite I have ever tasted. It will require many years to come around, so I suspect all of us past the age of fifty might want to give serious consideration as to whether we should be laying away multiple cases of this wine. It is also the first Lafite-Rothschild to be put into a new engraved bottle (designed to prevent fraudulent imitations). The wine exhibits a thick-looking, ruby/purple color, and a knock-out nose of lead pencil, minerals, flowers, and black currant scents. Extremely powerful and full-bodied, with remarkable complexity for such a young wine, this huge Lafite is oozing with extract and richness, yet has managed to preserve its quintessentially elegant personality. This wine is even richer than it was prior to bottling. It should unquestionably last for 40-50 years."

Price tag on this one ranges from around $500.00 for 750ml, to $750.00+ on a 1.5L.
posted by Rockel @ 7:51 PM   3 comments
08 December, 2005
In Memoriam
posted by Rockel @ 12:25 PM   0 comments
07 December, 2005
Walking through the Devil's Land,
I came upon a music stand,
and on it sat
a Minuet.

Just beyond the Devil's Land,
I met a man with pen in hand,
and what he wrote
made me forget.
posted by Rockel @ 7:41 PM   3 comments
06 December, 2005
Parable For A Friend

A tortured soul made his way into the temple to see the Wise Master.

"Oh, Master," he said, "You who are wise and good. I have come to you for help, please do not forsake me."
"You are troubled and weary, my son. Tell me why."
"I long for peace, Master."
"For as there is peace, there shall also be war. And as war, peace. This is how it has been and ever shall be."
"Yes, Master," the man said, "This I know. But I speak of peace within myself."
"Look around you. Look at what you have. Look at what you do not have. Look, and find your peace."
"I have looked, Wise One. But the more I look the more I do not find that which I seek."
"And what is it that you seek?"
"Acceptance. Validation. To cause effect. I wish to change the world."
"Go to your home," the Wise Master said to him, "and remain inside a full week. Do not eat while you are inside. Meditate constantly. Set your mind to the heavens. Consider the vastness of the universe and the complexities of this world. If you do as I have said, you will change the world."

The man did as he was instructed, and one week later he returned.

“Master,” he said, “It is I. He who wished to change the world. I have returned, having done as you commanded.”
“Your soul is heavy. Have you not found your peace?”
“On the contrary, Master, I have fallen deeper into despair, feeling as though all of my efforts in this life may be in vain.”
The Wise One paused and considered.
“How do you find the earth today?”
“How do you mean?”
“Look off at the trees along the edge of town,” the Wise Master said, “and tell me what you see.”
“The leaves are beginning to change their color.”
“And has it not begun to grow colder since you were last here?”
“It has, Master.”
“Than how is it that you consider your meditations fruitless. The world has surely changed.”
“But, Master,” he replied, “these changes were not brought on by anything I have done. The universe has been changing for time past, and shall continue in time to come.”
“How is it, then, that you plan to measure your change?”
“I only wish to effect small change, Wise One. To change the lives of those around me.”
“You can no more change others’ lives with your words and actions than the universe with your meditations.”

At this the troubled soul grew upset and departed. A month later, the Wise Master saw the man approaching the temple.

“You seem well, my son,” the Wise One said, greeting him, “how is this so?”
“I have discovered my peace.”
“Then you have succeeded in changing the world?”
“I have succeeded only in changing that which is within my power to change. May the world continue to change, for I, like it, have changed, and shall continue.”

posted by Rockel @ 8:11 PM   2 comments
I don't think "loose stools" is an adequate definition of this side effect.

"Explosive Diarrhea."

Yeah. That's it.
posted by Rockel @ 5:04 PM   2 comments
Oh, The Things I Do For My Sisser...
The only reason I'm doing this is because my sister, Andrea, "tagged" me. That means anyone else tries this with me, not only will I ignore it... I will hunt you down like dogs and castrate your goldfish.

Seven Things to Do Before I Die (Lord willing):

1. Premiere a Show
2. Premiere a Film
3. Write the Screenplay to a Palm D'Or Winner
4. Write the Screenplay to a Film that garners a Best Actor/ress Oscar win
5. Win an Oscar
6. See My Friends Succeed At What They Love To Do
7. Understand Life

Seven Things I Cannot Do:
1. Bear Children
2. Speak Russian
3. Lick My Elbow
4. Make My Eyes Change Color At Will
5. Leap Tall Buildings
6. Deal With Pain
7. Understand Life

Seven Things that Attract Me to My (potential future) Spouse/Significant Other (we're talking theoretical here, people!):
1. Eyes
2. Sense of Humor
3. Laugh
4. Concept of Life and Death
5. Ability to Overcome
6. How She Views Other People
7. How She Views The Way Other People View Her

Seven Things I Say (or write!) Most Often:
1. I'm Retarded
2. The Cocksicles Are In The Fridge
3. Kool
4. Hchelloooo
5. F**K a Duck
6. Yo
7. Bow Before Me! I Am A Golden God!

Seven Books (or series) I Love:
1. Blue Like Jazz
2. Sleepers
3. The Godfather
4. The Complete Works Of William Shakespeare
5. The Communist Manifesto
6. Mein Kampf
7. The Big Book Of Sudoku

Seven Movies I Would Watch Over and Over Again:
1. Usual Suspects
2. Shaun Of The Dead
3. Sexy Beast
4. MST3K: Space Mutiny
5. Amadeus
6. Garage Days
7. Debbie Does Dallas

Seven People I Want to Join in:
1. Bealzebub
2. Little Jimmy
3. Professor
4. Mary Anne
5. Ja Rule
6. Marisa Tomei
7. The Blind Guy Down The Street With The Three-Legged Dog
posted by Rockel @ 2:08 PM   1 comments
05 December, 2005
Gotta Love Blogger...
I can't load the comment page, but I can write a new post, so...

Doyle - point taken on the "horny," however, I'm going to have to take any and all points you may have received from your last comment as you punctuated the word "its" incorrectly and spelled Marisa's name incorrectly. Tsk. Also, strikes two, three, and four on the guesses.

Ryan - all excellent guesses. All wrong.

Greg - You are too kind, sir. I curtsy in humility.

Matt - You googled again, didn't you? See how easy my games are, people?? Obviously none of you wish to win my excellent prizes.

Becky - Riding the coat tails... I'll give you half a brownie point.... and a gold star... no... silver.

Melissa - Nice try.

And I think Ryan summed up fairly well anything and everything I ever wish to say about Ms. Coulter.

So, anyway...


The woman is 41 years old. 41!!! And yet, would I bear her children?

Yes. Yes, I would.

If that were possible.
posted by Rockel @ 4:01 PM   1 comments
04 December, 2005
My Woman
Door prize to anyone who can tell me why I posted this picture.
posted by Rockel @ 5:01 PM   8 comments
Pop/Rock Theology, Part Deux: Something For The Pain
This is more philosophy than theology... but I have comments concerning it that may spin it more towards theology... I'll allow you to digest it and comment first, however.

The idea for this came up when I went to the doctor to have my ear examined. It had been bugging me since the flight back from NYC. Apparently it is quite infected, as the doctor's words were only, "Oh My God!"

She wrote out a prescription for an antibiotic to combat my infection, and then paused and looked at me and said, "Would you like something for the pain?"

"I'm not really in any pain," I responded. She smiled awkwardly and paused. It felt odd... the moment... her reaction... as though I had just turned down a million dollars or sex with a supermodel. I told myself it was probably just the first time she had heard that response from someone my age, and then felt very contented with myself for my apparent strength of character and high threshold of ear pain.

However, before I left the examination room, she asked me a further two times if I would like anything for the pain.

I suppose I can't fault her. Half the people in this world spend most of their lives trying to take the edge off... or add some edge on... while the other half enjoy easing the pain of others.

But it made me think about the many varieties and facets of pain. Since escapism has always been a favorite subject of mine, I figured it would be fitting to do a Pop/Rock Theology on the subject. The list of choices is practically endless when looking for a modern rock song dealing with escapism (in fact I almost went with Tenacious D's "Wonderboy," since it is an amazing song that deals with the idea of longing for something "above the mucky-muck"), but my choice for today's entry is a song that will forever remind me of my trip to NYC, as it was the first place I heard it (about eight times). I'm sure some of you have probably already heard it, as it's about 15 years old.

It's called "Ball and Chain," by the band Social Distortion. The song is posted in the jukebox at right. The lyrics follow below:

Well it's been ten years, and a thousand tears
And look at the mess I'm in-
A broken nose and a broken heart,

An empty bottle of gin

Well I sit and I pray
In my broken down Chevrolet-

While I'm singin' to myself

There's got to be another way

Take away, take away

Take away this ball and chain
I'm lonely and I'm tired

And I can't take any more pain

Take away, take away

Never to return again
Take away, take away

Take away this ball and chain

Well I've searched and I've searched

To find the perfect life-

A brand new car and a brand new suit

I even got me a little wife-

But wherever I have gone
I was sure to find myself there-

You can run all your life

But not go anywhere

Take away, take away

Take away this ball and chain

I'm sick and I'm tired

And I can't take any more pain

Take away, take away

Never to return again
Take away, take away

Take away this ball and chain

Well I'll pass the bar on the way

To my dingy hotel room-

I spent all my money

Been drinkin' since a half past noon-

I'll wake there in the mornin'

Or maybe in the county jail-

Times are hard getting harder

I'm born to lose and destined to fail-


Take away, take away

Take away this ball and chain

I'm lonely and I'm tired
And I can't take any more pain

Take away, take away

Never to return again
Take away, take away

Take away this ball and chain

As always, today's Pop/Rock Theology is brought to you, in part, by Pop Rocks candy. Sugar free flavors now available.
posted by Rockel @ 10:28 AM   1 comments
03 December, 2005
I Just Can't Help Myself...
Anytime Ann Coulter speaks... I just have to say something...

So, here I go:

On the Bill O'Reilly show... talking about the "left wing smear sites" trying to keep Ann Coulter off of CNN.

Bill O'Reilly: Do you believe that these people want to see you harmed?
Ann Coulter: Yeah. I've been phyically attacked on college campuses. That's why- That's why I'll be traveling with Louis Farrakhan's detail to campus...
BO: I know that. They hit you with pies and stuff.
AC: No, they did not hit me, because they're liberals and they throw like girls.

So... liberals throw like girls... and conservatives don't understand the definition of "physical assault."

Later on:

BO: In my own case, I have to have security...
AC: Well, any conservative does.
BO: Yeah, but I think some liberals... well, I don't know.
AC: No liberal has to have security. Although I'd like to change that.

And no comment on that one.
posted by Rockel @ 10:14 AM   1 comments
02 December, 2005
Thank you all for your praise of my story. You obviously have excellent taste.

For your convenience, I have edited the story down into smaller, bite-size portions, and reposted it on a separate blog, which can be reached through the link at right.

The music selections have also been update, as I say "Adieu" to Eels for a while. There should be something for everyone over their... have a look... unless you like country... let me just---... no... doesn't look like there's any country over there. John Prine. That's about as close as you're gonna get. But I selected quite a few slow moving melodies paired with heart-wrenching lyrics, and then counterbalanced with some lovely up tempo dance and techno. There's even some classical for the cultured few who read this.

I'll also draw your attention to the new Peeps on the list: the always boisterous, always anti-Bush (or Pro-Brain, we could say), Adam Shatarsky... and my brother in Christ and in proboscises, Eric "E" Mendenhall.

Also... as I apparently bored to tears one reader with my pointless and mindless ramblings of one New York... I shall post the, I'm sure, long awaited update concerning the current Cribbage Tournament:

3-4-1 (me-pops-mums)

The men seem to have found their - as they say below the border - cahones, and are now playing as though they were brass.

Finally, Mad Shouts to two amazing women with even more amazing senses of humor (and impeccable taste in men), Christy and Debbie. Much love. You gals rock!
posted by Rockel @ 2:56 PM   3 comments
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Lyrics of the Week

by Tom Waits

("I'd like to do a new song here. This is eh, it's about downtown Los Angeles on 5th Street. And eh all the winos affectionately refer to it as The Nickel. So this is kind of a hobo's lullaby.")

sticks and stones will break my bones,
but i always will be true, and when
your mama is dead and gone,
i'll sing this lullabye just for you,
and what becomes of all the little boys,
who never comb their hair,
well they're lined up all around the block,
on the nickel over there.

so you better bring a bucket,
there is a hole in the pail,
and if you don't get my letter,
then you'll know that i'm in jail,
and what becomes of all the little boys,
who never say their prayers,
well they're sleepin' like a baby,
on the nickel over there.

and if you chew tobacco, and wish upon a star,
well you'll find out where the scarecrows sit,
just like punchlines between the cars,
and i know a place where a royal flush,
can never beat a pair, and even thomas jefferson,
is on the nickel over there.

so ring around the rosie, you're sleepin' in the rain,
and you're always late for supper,
and man you let me down again,
i thought i heard a mockingbird, roosevelt knows where,
you can skip the light, with grady tuck,
on the nickel over there.

so what becomes of all the little boys,
who run away from home,
well the world just keeps gettin' bigger,
once you get out on your own,
so here's to all the little boys,
the sandman takes you where,
you'll be sleepin' with a pillowman,
on the nickel over there.

so let's climb up through that button hole,
and we'll fall right up the stairs,
and i'll show you where the short dogs grow,
on the nickel over there.
