Redefining Rockel

You know I never discuss female thermodynamics - Lou; Rescue Me

Rockel Recipes
Fake News
The Film of the Week
The WORD of the Week

Matthew 3:7-10

But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming to where he was baptizing, he said to them: "You brood of vipers! Who warned you to flee from the coming wrath?

Produce fruit in keeping with repentance.

And do not think you can say to yourselves, 'We have Abraham as our father.' I tell you that out of these stones God can raise up children for Abraham.

The ax is already at the root of the trees, and every tree that does not produce good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire.

Stupid Fact of the Week
There was only one civilian casualty during the three-day Battle of Gettysburg

30 May, 2005
10 Rebuttals
I would like to thank Mr. Arnold for bringing up this interesting article.

Mr. Arnold is correct in stating that I do not advocate assassination of the current (or any other) American President, however, as I do enjoy butting and rebutting... here are my rebuttals to the 10 Reasons not to kill Bush.

In the interest of the size of this post I have not copied the 10 Reasons. You have to follow the link to the original article. This way it's interactive... and inter-aggravating... you get aggravated at what I have to say and at the fact that you have to Alt-Tab back and forth constantly.


1) Under this logic we should've never gone after Saddam Hussein... or continue to go after Bin Laden.

2) I think you (directed at the author of the article, not Mr. Arnold) should say more, actually. Let's see... out of the entire W campaign, who's the least {insert any word here}? W... Rice... Rummy...

3) a) Ah yes, "religiously fundamental dictatorship"... hmmm, how does that sound familiar? b) Reduce our chance of "bringing in Osama bin Laden to nil"??? What's the latest stat on our "chances" right now?

4) This is just a horrible reason. a) "more unpatriotic than ever"? More than what? Than now? To what end? What extreme? How much different is it to be slightly unpatriotic than much more unpatriotic? b) "will be regarded".. People will regard things how they wish to regard them. Period. c) I'm sure whether this Republican President lives or dies the Democrats will find some way of saying "their Republican counterparts" are not fit to hold office.

5) Wow. They just keep getting better. a)So now "international invasions, with or without U.N. approval" is a bad thing? b) "could spur another spat..." (Not even going to comment)

6) Ah yes, disturbing the media. A good reason to do (or refrain from doing) just about anything. And yes, please, let's go examine the "important issue" of "Egyptian election tampering." Election tampering sucks. It wrongfully removes from the common man a primary power in a democracy... unless it happens in America... then it's a conspiracy... don't investigate that... we're too busy looking into something in Egypt.

7) a) "Martyr"? b) "More polarized than ever." I'm pretty sure "ever" is now. How many people were "publicly irreverent" to JFK's memory? I'm sorry to say that I'm sure there would be exponentially more if W were to be assassinated. How well does that speak for a man who was supposed to be the President to bring America together?

8) Yes, because Bobby was elected President directly after that other "martyr," JFK, was assassinated.

9) a) True. Just like ideologies don't die because one Dictator or Terrorist does. b) Yes, because it is the "Policies" an assassin would be worried about getting out of office.

10) a) True. Hence why I am not an advocate. b) I don't understand the logical contortions some people must go through to be pro-death penalty and pro-war, yet pro-life. c) "Defenseless"? He commands the Armed Forces.


Quick follow-up to the Newsweek retraction story:

"U.S. officials have substantiated five cases in which military guards or interrogators mishandled the Quran of Muslim prisoners at Guantanamo Bay but found 'no credible evidence' to confirm a prisoner's report that a holy book was flushed in a toilet, the prison's commander said Thursday." (source)

Just so we're all on the same page, let's take it step by step:

-Newsweek reports that Quran/Koran abuse is taking place, including flushing the book down a toilet as reported by numerous sources as a direct quote from a prisoner.

-The Government "advises" Newsweek to retract.

-Newsweek retracts.

-An investigation ensues which finds that there were five cases of misconduct involving the Quran/Koran of the prisoners.

Or, in other words, a private organization was "advised" to change their unsubstantiated claims... then most, but not all, of their claims are substantiated... (yeah, you know where this is going... I'm still not over it) WHERE ARE THE WMD'S?!?!?!?! Where is the investigation to substantiate THAT claim??? Where is the call to "Advise" the Government to retract???

And furthermore: Can I be an investigator? Or a reporter? Or SOMETHING???

The "Toilet" was a BUCKET!!!


posted by Rockel @ 10:04 PM   0 comments
24 May, 2005
Rockel Update
So I've been busy... here's what I've been "up to":

Working on Finding (better) Work.
a.k.a. - Getting the run-around from any and all reputable places of employ that are "Currently Hiring" or "Taking Applications."

Working on a Marriage.
It is seriously hard work. I know, everyone says that. But you really don't realize it, or realize how hard, until you are immersed. Everyone says this, too, but it is one of the single greatest things you could ever experience. (Wow, that last sentence was kind of poorly constructed and hard to follow upon rereading/editing this post. However I left in in because I like poorly constructed and hard to follow material. Plus, I like how marriage is a "single" great thing.)

Working on a Screenplay.
This would be for my good buddy, Mr. Luke Custer. OK, yes, it is only a "Short" screenplay. But as this is the THIRD "Short" script I have written for this young man, it shows: a) how much I like this guy, b) the quality I expect from his final product (just kidding Luke... not really... ok, maybe a little... but only a little), c) how much "free" time I have on my hands... at least at work, (literally, 90% of this last script was written on those small brown paper bags convenience stores put your alcoholic purchases in. I still have the bags to prove it. All seven of them. Front and back.) d) despite popular belief, which I also happen to hold to myself, I could write a full length screenplay. Just as long as it is written in a three-act style, and the three acts have absolutely nothing to do with each other, and finally e) what am I talking about again? Oh yeah... It also shows that my ideas get better with time... because this third one is better than the first two... combined. Kinda like Star Wars. Why is my third script better? Because I say it is, dang it.

Working on a Book.
What's that, you say? A book? Yes. I, the Great Rockel, condemner of modern literature have decided to begin "penning" a book. What does this show? I don't know, but I do know that I use "quotation marks" far too "heavily." I'll be teaming up with the multi-talented, incredibly intelligent Mr. Shaun Cross, beginning this week, in an attempt to accomplish this feat. The topic of the book, or thesis, if you will (and you will), has yet to be concretely decided, however it will either be: a) Philosophical, b) Theological, c) a combination of both, d) neither one, and/or e) a cookbook. In all probability, and in all seriousness, it will be a commentary on the error(s) of Modern American (and Western) Christianity written from the perspective of two Men, both lifelong American citizens, Christians, in their early twenties, newly married, possessing Bachelors degrees, and currently holding down jobs at a convenience store and a Dominoes Pizza.
Look for it in a few years... in the freezer section of your local grocery store, and everywhere quality power tools are sold.

posted by Rockel @ 12:40 AM   4 comments
18 May, 2005
The News of the Day
by Matthew Rockel
Disassociated Press

Yes. It's true. The amazing Natalie Portman has shaved her head.
What is the world coming to?

by Matthew Rockel
Disassociated Press

So, as everyone knows, Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith premiers today. Apparently there's some controversy surrounding the plot and how it relates to current events (i.e. W, the war... I mean, come on, when you hear controversy...). What sparked the controversy was certain people's (aka, morons) reaction to advanced screenings of the film. Lines of dialogue like when "Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader tells his onetime mentor, Obi-Wan Kenobi, 'If you're not with me, you're my enemy.' The line is seen as a reference to Bush's post-Sept. 11 threat 'Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.'" (1)
Writer/Director/Genius George Lucas "said Sunday at the Cannes Film Festival that the movie was written before the Iraq war. 'We were just funding Saddam Hussein and giving him weapons of mass destruction,' he said, adding, 'The parallels between Vietnam and what we're doing in Iraq now are unbelievable.'" (1)
Let's hear it for Mr. Lucas.

My sister, Her Soon-to-be-PhD-ness, has a blog!!!
What is the world coming to?

by Matthew Rockel
Disassociated Press

There's an awesome article in the Wednesday, May 18, 2005, USA Today about the oncoming Digital Film Revolution. I highly suggest everyone go back in time to yesterday and purchase a copy. The article talks about how the Hollywood studios are trying to coordinate with Movie Theatre corporations and Digital equipment manufacturers to pull of a $3 billion dollar nationwide transition. Most estimates place this being accomplished within the next 3-5 years.

(1) - "Politics creates a disturbance in the Force," by Cesar G. Soriano; USA Today, 05/18/05.
posted by Rockel @ 9:37 PM   1 comments
14 May, 2005
For All Those Interested
It appears that the Rockel may be returning to the stage.

For One Week Only!!!

Keep these dates open: August 4, 5, 6, and 7, 2005.

The dates are tentative at present, as a performance space has not been solidly and contractually attained.

However, I will update all you wonderful people as soon as I know the details.

Ah, yes... the show:

The Compleat Wrks of Wllm Shkspr (abridged)
By Adam Long, Daniel Singer, and Jess Winfield.
Directed by: Andrew Hayworth
posted by Rockel @ 12:06 PM   1 comments
11 May, 2005
This Just In
All the information you need to know for the upcoming...

Burning Coal Theatre Company 2005/2006 Season Auditions!!!
posted by Rockel @ 11:32 AM   1 comments
10 May, 2005
New Posts Coming Soon
I will resume normal posting somewhere in the near future. However, at present, working on a short film script for Mr. Custer is eating up most to all of my creative (or lack thereof) writing "juices." So for now I shall leave you with the following...

There was a post on a friends site several days ago entitled "The Problem of Evil," addressing the issue of evil in this world as it applies to Christians and their having to, I suppose, answer, or justify, its presence while spreading Good news. My comment, for anyone who missed it, follows below. I've also added to it, upon rereading, and noted so with brackets.
If we, just for a moment, set aside any religious teachings or writings, and rely solely on our intuition and senses to gather information of this world and determine the existence of a higher power, we come to either one of two conclusions:

A) That there is not now and never was a higher power, and these things we refer to as life, matter, and space are nothing more than the unobstructed happenings of chance; or
B) That there is now, or at one point was, a higher power.

From conclusion B, one can get a multitude of options including:
I) That there was an intelligent designer, but this designer no longer exists as a higher power;
II) That there was no intelligent designer, but there is now a higher power over all life;
III) There was, and shall ever be, a higher power;
so forth and so on.

If conclusion A is decided by an individual to be the true case for this world, it seems hardly distant to consider that evil itself may be, or in fact is, nothing more than the random happenings of chance.

However, if we assume, as do I, that conclusion B is more appropriate, that certain scientific and biological observances mankind has made are far too complex and integrated to be developed by pure chance, we are left with nothing more than the multitude of options with which to solve the, as you say, "problem of evil." Then let us consider conclusion B...

To consider this higher power, which I shall refrain from calling "God" or "Allah" as again I am ignoring momentarily any religious texts or customs and speaking only of human experience, "All-Powerful" is to assume that we as humans comprehend the scope of "Power." What we can truly say of this higher power is that it possesses power above our own, great enough to produce or create all that we can experience through our senses. To think that this higher being does not possess the power, whether it be "All" or no, to control or terminate the creation, reduces the power of the being to a point where it would not be feasible that the being could create all that is created, and thus the thought negates itself. Therefore it seems not that the being cannot control the creation. It would seem more that the higher being will not.

To say that the higher power is "All-Good" once again assumes a comprehension of the spectrum from "Good" to "Evil," or "Bad." Herein lies the crux of the "problem of evil." For if the higher power is, in fact, "All-Good" it would seem that the being is as far separated from "Evil" as is possible. It would stand to reason then that if this world contained evil the higher power would be distant from this world. [As above, we could reason that this higher power is more "Good," or likewise more "Evil," than we, the created, as it would only seem logical that creator, no matter how skilled, could not create something with more of any attribute than he/she/it possesses.] However, since an individual human being only truly knows the integrity of him/herself, if even that, and the integrity of all others remain the intuitive deduction of the senses, he/she can only look within him/herself and see both "Good" and "Evil." But, like Carbauja said, "What is light without dark?... can we have any concept of good without a concept of evil?" We can only compare actions, deeds, or thoughts and classify them as to how we consider them. Is speeding evil? It is illegal. Is killing someone evil? If that person has murdered and been sentenced to death it is legal. If you are defending yourself from death it is legal.

Furthermore, to say that the higher power is "All-Knowing," [or "More Knowing,"] is to say that this being has the most illuminated view of what is "Good" and what is "Evil." Perhaps what we see as evil may not be so. Conversely, what we see as good may, in the all-knowing view of the higher power, be evil.

However, in only examining the human experience, it is impossible to conclude whether the higher power, if one exists, truly possess the attributes prefixed "All-." In the end it all comes down to not religion, but faith.

God is good.
posted by Rockel @ 9:34 PM   0 comments
02 May, 2005
Copious Coitus
Or, in the words of Salt N Peppa:
"Let's talk about sex."


"One cardinal rule of marriage should never be forgotten: GIVE LITTLE, GIVE SELDOM, AND ABOVE ALL, GIVE GRUDGINGLY. Otherwise what could have been a proper marriage could become an orgy of sexual lust....

"While sex is at best revolting and at worse rather painful, it has to be endured...

"The wise bride will permit a maximum of two brief sexual experiences weekly during the first months of marriage....

"A good wife should expect to have reduced sexual contacts to once a week by the end of the first year of marriage and to once a month by the end of the fifth year of marriage....

"Most men are by nature rather perverted, and if given half a chance, would engage in quite a variety of the most revolting practices. These practices include among others performing the normal act in abnormal positions; mouthing the female body; and offering their own vile bodies to be mouthed in turn.

"A wise bride will make it the goal never to allow her husband to see her unclothed body, and never allow him to display his unclothed body to her....

"Sex, when it cannot be prevented, should be practiced only in total darkness. Many women have found it useful to have thick cotton nightgowns for themselves and pajamas for their husbands. These should be donned in separate rooms. They need not be removed during the sex act. Thus, a minimum of flesh is exposed.

"Once the bride has donned her gown and turned off all the lights, she should lie quietly upon the bed and await her groom....

"If he attempts to kiss her on the lips she should turn her head slightly so that the kiss falls harmlessly on her cheek instead....

"As soon as the husband has completed the act, the wise wife will start nagging him about various minor tasks she wishes him to perform on the morrow. Many men obtain a major portion of their sexual satisfaction from the peaceful exhaustion immediately after the act is over. Thus the wife must insure that there is no peace in this period for him to enjoy. Otherwise, he might be encouraged to soon try for more.

"One heartening factor for which the wife can be grateful is the fact that the husband's home, school, church, and social environment have been working together all through his life to instill in him a deep sense of guilt in regards to his sexual feelings, so that he comes to the marriage couch apologetically and filled with shame, already half cowed and subdued. The wise wife seizes upon this advantage and relentlessly pursues her goal first to limit, later to annihilate completely her husband's desire for sexual expression." (1)

Had enough?... not me... let's go further...

"When evangelists tell young people that Christians must not have sex before they are married, they give them the idea that they should have sex after they are married. Nothing could be further from the truth....

"If you are single, you should stay single. If you are married, you should not have sex...

"According to St. Paul, marriage and sex are only for those who cannot control their libidinous impulses ...

"Jesus says the same, and even mentions what some men have done to themselves in order to avoid committing marriage....

"So Christians should not have sex at all - unless they are weak-willed wimps who have no self-control." (2)

Oh, yeah. They're out there. These... "ideas."


(1) - from The Madison Institute Newsletter, Fall Issue, 1894
(2) -
posted by Rockel @ 11:21 PM   2 comments
01 May, 2005
The news of the day
Funny: Think before you kiss!
Military: Let's hear it for the Army
Money: Raising rates again
Science: A New Planet?

And of course... N. Korea

More later.
posted by Rockel @ 3:19 PM   0 comments
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Lyrics of the Week

by Tom Waits

("I'd like to do a new song here. This is eh, it's about downtown Los Angeles on 5th Street. And eh all the winos affectionately refer to it as The Nickel. So this is kind of a hobo's lullaby.")

sticks and stones will break my bones,
but i always will be true, and when
your mama is dead and gone,
i'll sing this lullabye just for you,
and what becomes of all the little boys,
who never comb their hair,
well they're lined up all around the block,
on the nickel over there.

so you better bring a bucket,
there is a hole in the pail,
and if you don't get my letter,
then you'll know that i'm in jail,
and what becomes of all the little boys,
who never say their prayers,
well they're sleepin' like a baby,
on the nickel over there.

and if you chew tobacco, and wish upon a star,
well you'll find out where the scarecrows sit,
just like punchlines between the cars,
and i know a place where a royal flush,
can never beat a pair, and even thomas jefferson,
is on the nickel over there.

so ring around the rosie, you're sleepin' in the rain,
and you're always late for supper,
and man you let me down again,
i thought i heard a mockingbird, roosevelt knows where,
you can skip the light, with grady tuck,
on the nickel over there.

so what becomes of all the little boys,
who run away from home,
well the world just keeps gettin' bigger,
once you get out on your own,
so here's to all the little boys,
the sandman takes you where,
you'll be sleepin' with a pillowman,
on the nickel over there.

so let's climb up through that button hole,
and we'll fall right up the stairs,
and i'll show you where the short dogs grow,
on the nickel over there.
