Redefining Rockel

You know I never discuss female thermodynamics - Lou; Rescue Me

Rockel Recipes
Fake News
The Film of the Week
The WORD of the Week

Matthew 3:7-10

But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming to where he was baptizing, he said to them: "You brood of vipers! Who warned you to flee from the coming wrath?

Produce fruit in keeping with repentance.

And do not think you can say to yourselves, 'We have Abraham as our father.' I tell you that out of these stones God can raise up children for Abraham.

The ax is already at the root of the trees, and every tree that does not produce good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire.

Stupid Fact of the Week
There was only one civilian casualty during the three-day Battle of Gettysburg

28 February, 2006
In Memoriam
posted by Rockel @ 7:37 PM   2 comments
26 February, 2006
The fake pie chart was nifty.

But here are some cold hard facts, too:

America's Best Colleges - 2006
(U.S. News & World Report)
#5 (tied) - Duke
#27 (tied) - UNC

Academic Ranking of World Universities - 2005
(Institute of Higher Education, Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
#31 - Duke
#56 - UNC

Ranking America's Leading Universities on Their Success in Intigrating African Americans
(The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education)
#1 - Duke
#6 - UNC
posted by Rockel @ 6:34 PM   2 comments
Pop/Rock Theology: Warehouse Edition
songs from the service today:
(click the link for lyrics... songs are in the soundblox)

All These Things That I Have Done
The Killers

Jump, Little Children
posted by Rockel @ 11:28 AM   0 comments
25 February, 2006
My Dear, Charlie...
You seem a bit confused.

Perhaps this pie chart will clear things up for you.

posted by Rockel @ 6:18 PM   1 comments
Way Off On The Film Horizon
Films that have recently been announced:

Fast Food Nation
A film adaptation of the Eric Schlosser book with the same name.
Cast: includes Patricia Arquette, Luis Guzman, Ethan Hawke, Greg Kinnear, Kris Kristofferson, and Avril Lavigne.
Director: Ricahrd Linklater
Distribution: Fox Searchlight

Underworld 3
Director: Len Wiseman

Farce of the Penguins
Written, Directed, and Starring: Bob Saget

She Had Brains, A Body, and the Ability to Make Men Love Her
(yes, that's the title... no, they haven't signed a director... no, they don't have distribution... however, they do have a "star")
Starring: Jennifer Love Hewitt
(You want to hear the plot synopsis? Of course you do...)
Based on a magazine article that tells the tale of a prostitute housewife and former homecoming queen in Odessa, Texas, who became one of the city's most popular hookers until she, her co-workers, and 68 prominent Odessa residents were arrested in a scandal that shook the city.

Dogma 2?
"Ever since 9/11, I have been thinking about a sequel of sorts. I mean, the worst terrorist attack on American soil was religiously bent. In the wake of said attack, the leader of the 'Free World' outed himself as pretty damned Christian. In the last election, rather than a quagmire war abroad, the big issue was wheter or not gay marriage was moral. Back when I made Dogma, I always maintained that another movie about religion wouldn't be forthcoming, as it was the product of 28 years of religious and spiritual meditation, and I'd kinda shot my wad on the subject. Now? I think I might have more to say. And, yes - the Last Scion would be at the epicenter of it. And she'd have to be played by Alanis Morissette (who played God in Dogma). And we'd need a bigger budget - because the enitre third act would be the Apocalypse. Scary thing is this: the film would have to touch on Islam. And unlike the Catholic League, when those cats don't like what you do, they issue a death warrant on yer ass (see Rushdie). And now that I've got a family, I'm not as free to stire the shit-pot as I was when I was single, back when I made Dogma. But regardless - yeah, a Dogma follow-up's been swimming around in my head for some time now..." - Kevin Smith.
posted by Rockel @ 4:26 PM   0 comments
In Memoriam
posted by Rockel @ 3:40 PM   2 comments
Your Liberal News
"the American objective in Iraq has failed." - William F. Buckley, Jr.
U.S. should leave Iraq "as fast as humanly possible." - Bill O'Reilly

Bush didn't know about Port deal
Delay: Port deal a mistake
DHS approved port deal
Chertoff: DHS didn't know about deal

Thank goodness for the Republivan Gov. (also here)

Heckuva job, Bushie.

Democracy is a security concern

What is up with Oprah?

Bush vs. Constitution

Paul Combs, one of my favorite artists:
posted by Rockel @ 1:08 PM   1 comments
24 February, 2006
Happy Friday, Everybody!!!
The weekend is here... Duke is number one... Earl and The Office return this coming week... and in about a week Duke will put the hurtin' on Dem Heels.

Luke and Jeremy have been added to the roll at right... check 'em out... spread the love.

In Politics:
Democrat/Abortion Ban;
Iraq/Curfews/"Civil War";

PVC Bones;

CSA: The Confederate States of America;

Duke > Carolina;

Which topic interests you lovely people?
posted by Rockel @ 6:01 PM   1 comments
"Roy and Silo,...
"...two chinstrap penguins at the Central Park Zoo in Manhattan, are completely devoted to each other. For nearly six years now, they have been inseparable."
Silo and Roy are, to anthropomorphize a bit, gay penguins."

ohhhh, man... good stuff... good stuff...
posted by Rockel @ 5:20 PM   0 comments
22 February, 2006
Let's Try This Again...

posted by Rockel @ 6:12 PM   8 comments
21 February, 2006
Here we go...

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." (emphasis added)

Always fun to quote.

Rights: We have 'em. Government: They secure 'em... to a point.

Ask a man in a maximum security prison how he feels about how his government is protecting his right to "liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

War. This War on Terror. Is it better to kill a terrorist than allow him to kill numerous people with an explosive device? Is it warranted? Has he given sufficient evidence that he is worthy of having his right to life alienated?

"...all men..." Not just Americans.

The American Government is only responsible for securing these rights to American citizens, but they are rights that apply to "all men" (and some women, too, I suppose).

Incarceration is more than just a deterrent... more than just a way to keep perpetrators off the streets... more than just a punishment... it is a statement by society of how serious it considers the disregard or disrespect for its ways and laws.

To alienate an individuals right to life for the most egregious crimes against the state is a statement society must make for the sake of preserving an uncompromising structure of order.

There you have it. My view, which, it appears (never thought I'd say this), I seem to share with only Chuck. Discuss away.
posted by Rockel @ 6:10 PM   4 comments
20 February, 2006
The Prophecy Comes True
"Duke dropped from the top... oh well, we'll be back..."

posted by Rockel @ 11:55 AM   0 comments
Time: 55:00
Distance: 5.0 miles
Calories: 725

Didn't go quite as far or burn quite as much today... kinda disappointing... but I was tinkering with levels of resistance and such in an attempt to keep my heart rate in the green "cardiovascular" zone for more of my workout. It seems to have worked, as, in the "Workout Summary," I was told that I remained in the green zone for 03:17 out of my 55:00... This number is usually closer to 01:00... Which brings me to a question for all you health gurus out there: What, if any, are the health risks associated with maintaining a heart rate of >170 for a prolonged period of time? (Gulp... fine... I'm 24 years old... 5 foot 10... and... 190 lbs.)

Cigarette update (for Melliska):
I smoked my last cigarette at 6:45am, February 1, 2006. On the way home from work that day I stopped at Qdoba Mexican Grill and purchased a Chicken Burrito. I plan to go back and purchase another one on March 1, provided I maintain tar-free lungs. Excellent Burritos. Excellent motivation. Go try one today. (Call me, Qdoba. I'll let you sponsor my page for no charge [outside of free meals, of course])
posted by Rockel @ 9:00 AM   3 comments
19 February, 2006
A Warehouse...
Dim lighting... A small stage smashed up against one of the cinderblock walls... A wrought iron and barbed wire sculpture... Candles... Two projection screens flanking the stage... Expressionistic graphic art... Electric Guitars... Amps... Large Speakers... Loud Music... A packed audience in rapt attention... A U2 song... Piercings... Dyed hair... Hemp accessories... Coffee... Hot Tea... Hair gel... Pre-washed, pre-faded, hole-y blue jeans... Graphic tees... Corduroy jackets... The God of all Creation...

Warehouse 242... Where I now worship. Awesome place.
(Note: the website is not as awesome as the place, however you can download sermons in mp3 form)

Soundblox is back! And loaded up with some of the heart-pounding tunes to which I run in place. Plenty of Trance, Techno, and the like. Trainspotting is featured quite heavily. Some Queen... Robbie... Green Day...

So... enjoy... your input is always apreciated...
posted by Rockel @ 6:34 PM   0 comments
Devils Unite!
Let's root for some Demons!
posted by Rockel @ 10:22 AM   1 comments
18 February, 2006
My Fellow Peeps...
You have spoken! You have Cried Out!

Picture me in front of you... vocalizing the following words to you... and... as you do so... read my lips...

Your Cries Have NOT Fallen On Deaf Ears!!!

In the coming days I will approach the following comments, questions, and ponderings:

- "You should post a 'Best Run Mix' submission thingy."

- "Fed. Welfare/Medicare/Medicaid: very necessary;" "Welfare a big fucking NO!!!!" "Very necessary. (Although it shouldn't have to be);" "...THE CHURCH!)"

- "So, Rockel, since this is your blog... why are you for the death penalty?"

Probably in that order (order of importance, as you can see), but don't hold your breath.

Possibilities for postings also include:

- "Individuals: Generally bad, but have random acts of good."

- "Borders: Closed, Closed, Closed!"

- "Rockel. Dude, you rock so hard. Tell me, how is it possible for someone to rock as hard as you?"

And possibly a study on just how many times one must run on a busy, rural, 2-lane "highway," completely disconnected from reality via iPod, before death - as Greg put it - "happens."

So... there you have it... look for those... and possibly more... or just as easily less, I suppose...

Peace, Love, and... the Lord's Day tomorrow... I'll throw in an update of my new church at some point... Word.
posted by Rockel @ 6:01 PM   3 comments
Today's Workout
Time: 55:00
Distance: 5.5 miles
Calories: 750

In preparation for a 10k that I'll be run/walking with my fam on April 1, I have recently begun working out regularly. Let me tell you how much the iPod helps. A LOT. Hopefully the posting of my progress will keep me vigilant and determined, and inspire some of you to push yourselves or continue on in your endeavors.
posted by Rockel @ 8:00 AM   5 comments
16 February, 2006
New Stuff:

B.S. (that's Bumper Stickers)
Topless Pictures
B.S. Shoes (that's Blue Suede)
posted by Rockel @ 3:27 PM   0 comments
14 February, 2006
Laugh Factory: My Conservative Self *Edit*
*Lovin' the comments... let me clarify that my laudry list of beliefs below is not necessarily things that I believe should be happening right now (i.e. - Cut Fed. Welfare or majorly cut the Government tomorrow), but in most cases are things that should be worked towards (outside of "America, Good... Family, Good..." things like that)*

What I believe...

America: Good.
Families: Good.
Society: Comprised of Individuals.
Individuals: Repsonsible for themselves.
Crime: Strict/Hard.
Death Penalty: Yeah.
Abortion: No.
Taxes: Low.
Borders: Closed/Tight.
Government: Less.
Fed. Government: Much Less.
Fed. Welfare/Medicare/Medicaid: No.
Market: Free(-ish).
Natn'l Defense: Strong.

Agree with me at your own peril (and at the risk of being called a raving Liberal).
posted by Rockel @ 3:22 PM   11 comments
13 February, 2006
posted by Rockel @ 6:03 PM   2 comments
Cheney's Got a Gun
Look out!

Now it's time for, "It's sad when..."

It's sad when the most exciting part of your day is a bumper sticker on the drive home from work. Even if that bumper sticker is the following:

I love this city.

In other news: I may have found a church to call home. More on that later.

For all you Duke fans (and ABC fans), the UConn/Nova game is just now getting underway... and from the looks of it, no surprise, it's gonna be a close one... this could be Duke's final chance to reclaim the top of the polls... Let's Go Nova!
Also, get ready to root for Georgia Tech and Wake Forest this week.

It's Monday. That means Jack Bauer. And it actually looks like Elisha is gonna be on screen this week (I apologize for the false alarm last week... feel free to flood with complaints over their misleading information).

Finally... VD aproaches. Prepare to exhibit affections through confections.

Update: 6:30 remaining in the first half... Nova 25 - Conn 23.
posted by Rockel @ 4:20 PM   1 comments
12 February, 2006
Back we go
Wow that was quick. - Thank you.

Everyone who reads your blog knows that you don't buy the story, I didn't mean to suggest that I "speak for more than myself" I just assumed that it was clear. It would be the same thing if I said "We all know your name is Matt Rockel" I wouldn't be speaking for everyone, I would be stating a simple fact perhaps just to open up my comment. Schmuck. - Actually, it's "Matt," not "Schmuck."

Yes, "the handful" you are the minority. I do not believe that the majority of Americans agree with you. If you know other afcts to back that up then I will concede to you, but until you do then you are "the handful" right or wrong, you are still the minority. - Hyperbole, meet sarcasm. Sarcasm, hyperbole.

No, you did not use the words "nit-wit" or "Stupid", to this clear fact I concede. We have been commenting back and forth for some time now and if you haven't noticed my proclivity for hyperbole then you really haven't been reading me as closely as you should. You have made the assumption that you can clearly see something that the majority of others cannot (again, if you can prove that your way of thinking is the majority then I apologize) and that everyone who just doesn't see it has been "duped" (your word, not mine) (as a side note, Duped: An easily deceived person or a person who functions as the tool of another person or power). - Ditto. Also, your side note is incredibly misleading as you defined the word "Dupe," and I did not call the American people "Dupes." I said, rather, that they were "Duped," as in someone attempted to fool them or place them at the unknowing end of a hoax.

Thnk you for clearing it up for us. Remember, facts without conclusions are nothing. Facts are not self-interpreting, it's the first rule of logic so I'm surprised that you didn't know that. - I'm surprised I didn't know that either. Perhaps you could site your source for me. How I was taught:
Upon this first, and in one sense this sole, rule of
reason, that in order to learn you must desire to learn, and in
so desiring not be satisfied with what you already incline to
think, there follows one corollary which itself deserves to be
inscribed upon every wall of the city of philosophy:
Do not block the way of inquiry.
But then, I never really did enjoy eating from a spoon.

I do not know that the story we were told is absolutely true, - Well, good. Then you're not stupid. Oh wait... I'm rushing to conclusions.

in fact it probably isn't, but to be perfectly honest with you I believe that a group of fundamentalist Muslims (the same people who chop off heads and blow up cars and busses to kill women and children) will fly a plane into a building that represents all of the things which they are taught from birth to hate, than to believe that the American president and all of his staff were in on a plot to kill 3000 Americans just so that he could start a war in Iraq. - So you admit that you are predisposed to favoring one story over another without even looking at evidence. Also, who here has mentioned the "American President and all of his staff," or even "Iraq"? Not I.

I'm sorry, - You're forgiven.

perhaps I too am a dupe - Perhaps.

and it's ok if you think so - Thank you for your permission.

but I do not see Pres. Bush as the liar and hate monger that you clearly do. - Ooh, ok... let me play, too... I don't see Pres. Bush as Jesus Christ come again as you clearly do.

He is probably a liar, politicians are, - So we're cool on the liar part... just not the hatemonger? I'll try to dig up something from the past where I used the word "Bush" and "hatemonger" in the same... well... ever. Feel free to do the same.

it's part of the reason we vote for them. - Ok.

If you think that John Kerry wans't a liar, Bill Clinton wasn't a liar, or Ted Kennedy isn't a liar then who exactly is the dupe? - Dammit, you're good. I can't believe anybody even remembered all that lovely stuff I said about those Democrats that I dream about every night. But, you're right... Clinton lied... Kerry lied... Teddy lied... There's even some suspicion now that George Washington lied... It's totally cool if W let one slip here.

Finally, I don't know if there are any other theories because I have not looked into as much as you clearly have, - That's what I do. Look for bullshit to bounce off of you, my logical, political sounding board.

however I'm not sure that there needs to be a better theory than a group of violent Muslim funadmentalist killed as many innocent people as they could, - 3,000 people died, and you even said yourself: "I do not know that the story we were told is absolutely true, in fact it probably isn't." I'm Fucking Positive there needs to be a "Better Theory"... or... I don't know... Remove the word "Theory," and while you're at it, "Better," and then toss in the word "Truth." (I'm not even going to apologize for my "French" in this comment)

it seems to be a sort of pattern for them in case you haven't noticed. - Yes, I have noticed. You've also noticed a pattern of Politicians lying. We'll overlook that one.

It is true that I do not dislike president Bush as much as you do, - Ok, my turn again. It is true that I do not make out with president Bush as much as you do.

perhaps that is why I'm not ready to believe the first theory that pops up. - Oh, but you are. I choose to believe my own theory, which came about only after the facts started to discredit the first story that "popped up:" The Official One.

And it's not schmuck, it's Chuck - deja vu.

but I can see where you'd make the mistake, - Yeah, they rhyme.

you were pretty upset, - I was. You gotta stop this, Chuck. It's bad for my heart.

sorry that someone would dare to disagree with you Matt, - You're forgiven.

I try my best to but can't find the will power. - I understand.
posted by Rockel @ 8:01 PM   3 comments
Eleventh plus one
Yes, and we all know that you do not buy it.
I'm glad you do. I'm also glad you speak for more than just yourself in this regard. It's nice to know that you speak for all those who read my words. It makes it easier to communicate. Now I can just address you and wait for a response as to what everyone knows and thinks concerning this post.

You and the handful of other conspiracy theorists have developed another idea,
Ah yes, the handful. We meet together around a card table in someone's basement every week and drum up idiotic ways to make ourselves look disreputable. It's fun.

but instead of giving us other nit-wits a conclusion, you just continue on this "Americans are stupid" rant.
Yes, because I used the words "nit-wit" and "stupid" in my post. I continue to draw attention to the fact that American's were duped, and they deserve to be told the truth. You can call them stupid if you wish, Schmuck.

So what conclusion would you personally like us to draw from these facts?
Alright. You want me to hand it to you? Here: 1) Small Fires, 2) Shakey Facts, 3) Suspect Explanation, 4) Building Falls, 5) Man Claims They Blew It Up, 6) Man Changes His Mind... Conclusion - Man Lied. Or, at the very least, Man is acting rather suspect and witholding something.
If you feel more confident that the story you were told is more factual, and the above conclusion is more conspiracy theoretical, that's fine. Just don't read my page on the eleventh of every month. Don't read the following:
If man lied concerning one building, what is to say he did not lie concerning others? Why did the thorough investigation find nothing other than "fires" as the cause of the collapse? Why did the building fall into its footprint if the fires were only "raging" on one side of the building? Why do people consider these theories? Why do they consider them conspiracy theories? Are they any more theories or conspiracies than a large group of middle eastern men (perhaps 2 or 3 handfulls) flying planes into buildings?
posted by Rockel @ 6:27 PM   1 comments
11 February, 2006
It's The Eleventh Of The Month
Time for a new addition to Red What and Blue.

The eleventh day of each month will be dedicated entirely to the attacks of September 11, 2001.

No conspiracy theories. Just facts.

FACT: It was reported that WTC 7 collapsed due to fire.

FACT: In September 2002, Larry Silverstein said in a PBS Documentary that he and the NYFD "decided to 'pull' WTC 7 on the day of the attack."

FACT: On the same PBS Documentary a cleanup worker, speaking in reference to WTC 6, which was destroyed by controlled demolition, said, "... we're getting ready to pull the building six."

FACT: When directly questioned by the man who made the PBS Documentary, Silverstein said that he "'meant something else' by the 'pull it' comment but mysteriously refused to elaborate any further."

FACT: Americans still buy it.

Four Years, Five Months... and counting.
posted by Rockel @ 12:54 PM   2 comments
Buh-Bye, Laettner
Duke 96 - Maryland 88

And in the process:

ACC All-Time Leading Scorers (career)
1. D. Hemric, WFU -- 2,587
2. J. Dawkins, Duke -- 2,556
3. R. Monroe, NCSU -- 2,551
4. B. Stith, UV -- 2,516
5. J.J. Redick, Duke -- 2,494
6. C. Laettner, Duke -- 2,460

(anyone else notice the lack of a certain ACC team in this list?)

As well as:

ACC Career 3-Point Field Goals Made:
1. C. Staples, UV -- 413
2. J.J. Redick, Duke -- 408
posted by Rockel @ 12:35 PM   0 comments
10 February, 2006
Time is linear. Man is limited. Limited, that is, physically; geographically; in reference to ubiquity.

This means that no man (or woman, difficult as it may seem) can inhabit more than one geographical space simultaneously (nor can he [or she] inhabit more than one time simulgeographically).

This is a relatively simple concept. Simple, that is, in the same way that it is simple to understand the idea of galactic orbits, or universal makeup (not cosmetics), so long as you do not attempt to comprehend what you understand.

"Why am I here?"

This is the core question of purpose. It is phrased in many different ways, but that is how I have chosen to distill it for this discussion.

Some would answer this question with a reference to a deity or host of deities (or perhaps even to the strict lack of a deity), however these answers tend to leave people questioning more than they did before the answer was given. This, of course, isn't necessarily a bad thing. However, as these new questions are answered, even more questions tend to arise, and then more, and more, and so forth, and so on, in Hydra-like fashion, many remaining unanswered, until the philosophical web implodes or becomes too tedious to continue.

Presumably for this reason, many others answer in great brevity in hopes of circumventing a philosophical implosion (also because they think it sounds incredibly wise and requires very little effort on their part). "Because you are." I refer to this as "'The Matrix' philosophy." (or should that be "The 'The Matrix' philosophy"?)

My philosophy is much more practical:

Since time is linear, and therefore only one moment may be occurring at any given "time", and since each man (and woman) can be in no more (nor no less) than one space at any "time" (and no two may occupy the same space at the same time), right now - at this very moment - every man (and woman) is somewhere.

We will use a hypothetical man as an example and consider him at "Point A." As he is at Point A, no other man (or woman, for that matter) is also at Point A. Nothing our hypothetical man does right now - in this moment - can change the fact that 5 hypothetical minutes ago he was inhabiting the space at Point F, at which point (5 hypothetical minutes [and now several hypothetical seconds] ago) he began making his way to Point A. His decision to set off in the direction of Point A "happened" (hypothetically). Since he is now at Point A, it must be stated that his decision to take action and set forth in the direction of Point A happened (as we have just established) for a reason, even if that reason is nothing more trivial than the fact that he would not, now, be at Point A were it not for the happening which happened 5 and some odd hypothetical minutes ago.

Were our hypothetical man inhabiting some Point other than Point A (we shall say, "Point 41.9") at the current moment (and this is where it gets tricky as we add a hypothetical on top of a hypothetical - be sure your philosophical seatbelts are snug), his decision to set off in the direction of Point A would only be one reason amongst many, including whatever happening happened that caused him to divert, alter, or halt his course towards Point A, as to why he is where he is (hypo-hypothetically): Point 41.9.

Therefore, where you currently are in life is not only a result of the many things which have happened, but also a result of those things which have not happened.

I submit that if the preceding is true, does it not also make sense that where you are in life is also a result of nothing (which may or may not exist)? And if that is the case, would not this nothing (which, if it exists, most certainly "happens") be entitled to just as much (if not more) "reason" for your situation than the many things which never even happened?
posted by Rockel @ 2:24 PM   8 comments
09 February, 2006
In Bush We Trust
The philosophy discussion will have to wait until this weekend when I have the time and brainpower to devote to it.

For now... politics.

"US President George W Bush has given details of what he said was a foiled al-Qaeda plot to fly a plane into the tallest building on the US west coast.

"Mr. Bush said the plan - uncovered in 2002 - involved using shoe bombs to blow open the plane's cockpit door....

"Planning began in October 2001, but it was derailed in early 2002 'when a South East Asian nation arrested a key al-Qaeda operative', Mr Bush said.

"The plot was finally thwarted in the summer of 2003, when the suspected head of JI (the militant Islamic group Jemaah Islamiyah), an Indonesian known as Hambali, was arrested in Thailand.

"The Bush administration first mentioned the alleged plot last October, without giving details, saying it was among 10 disrupted al-Qaeda plans."

Planned in '01. Uncovered in '02. Thwarted in '03. Mentioned in '05. Detailed in '06... when Bush is pushing the PatAct.

Yeah, yeah. Classified information... etcetera...

"In Los Angeles, Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa told the Associated Press news agency he had not been forewarned about the president's revelations.

"'I'm amazed that the president would make this [announcement] on national TV and not inform us of these details through the appropriate channels,' he said.

"Democratic congressman Brad Sherman told the BBC that he had concerns about why the information was being released now.

"He questioned whether the president's obligation to 'manage secrecy' had been over-ridden by his 'natural desire to create a vivid picture of "Bush the protector" for political reasons'."
posted by Rockel @ 3:47 PM   1 comments
07 February, 2006
My Phrase
My philosophy... my process... my view... of life, the universe, and everything.

5 words.

"Nothing happens for a reason."

More on that later...

But now...
posted by Rockel @ 4:08 PM   3 comments
06 February, 2006

posted by Rockel @ 5:07 PM   0 comments
...the quiz turned out to be an utter failure... until the googlewhore showed up, that is...

...oh well, I got a good laugh out of it...

...congrats Matt, you win... well... nothing... the prize was a million dollars, but you had to get every answer correct in order to claim it, and for number nine we were looking for "way on the right, babe."... so close...

...and ryan... scuse me... DAEGO... gets lots of nutra-sweet, veal-filled brownie points for making me laugh...

...anyway... I'm lookin' to head up to the Raleigh area this coming weekend to hang with the Firebaugh's y there dogs... should be lashin's of fun... although, I'll have to attempt to keep the fun to somewhat of a minimum as it will be a business trip... yes, once again, the younger, more youthful friend must drop everything and hurry off to stand by the side of one old, feeble Aaron Firebaugh and save him in his moment of need by judging a speech competition...

ipod... I got my nano... muy fun... currently listening to "America (the Audiobook)" by none other than Jon Stewart... as well as my ass-kicking, ear-bleeding, funkified tune-age.

...tonight: check out 24!!! My girl Elisha is gonna be on it... thank goodness... I wasn't sure how much more terrorism and thick acting I could handle... also, the hour before 24 will be filled with the homo-infused ice-a-palooza, Skating With Celebrities... in this episode, Jillian cracks a rib and everyone else sucks...

...tomorrow: I will be posting on my new all-time favorite phrase... It's quaint, it's profound, it's absurd... it's marvelous... 5 words... get excited... before it's too late...

...also... tomorrow... Nine P.M.... (why? why nine pm? I hafta be up at 5 the next morning.)...


That is all for now...
posted by Rockel @ 4:15 PM   1 comments
03 February, 2006
The Rockel Quiz, Part One
The category: A Few Of My Favorite Songs...

The task: complete the following lyrical lines.

Some are easy, some are hard. All are Rockel certified.

01) I once had a girl...
02) A lap dance is so much better when...
03) Well, come on all of you big, strong men...
04) Change your heart, look around you...
05) She was a level-headed dancer....
06) When there's nowhere else to run...
07) I'll never forget the moment we kissed...
08) Nice to meet you, Hi, my name is...
09) The line forms...
10) I've one thing to say and that's "Dammit, Janet,...
11) You can get anything you want at...
12) You look like a perfect fit...
13) You'll be a lady soon, but until then...
14) Where there's moonlight, I...
15) 'Cause we all reside down the block inside...
16) I was her, she was me...
17) You're leavin' me here, dear,...
18) And He spent a long time watching, from His...
19) If I could change anything...
20) All we hear is...
posted by Rockel @ 5:37 PM   3 comments
02 February, 2006
Your Update
Only an 8.5-hour day today... bringing the week-to-date up to a solid 39, with tomorrow yet to come (if, in fact, it does)... let's hear it for overtime...

It's halftime and Carolina is down 2... GO TERPS!!!

The more I speak with people about politics, the more I realize that (strictly politically speaking) I am extremely conservative... The more I watch and listen to those in Washington of the "modern conservative" persuasion, the more I am troubled... The more I watch President Bush speak, the more I long to vomit... The more I listen to "conservative" talk radio, the more I wish to end the misery with a self-inflicted bullet-wound to the foot...

What I learned on talk radio today:
It is not (logically) possible for a "liberal" to "support the troops, but not the war."
It is completely understandable (logically) for a "conservative" to call Cindy Sheehan a traitorous wench who should be dragged "out back and shot," and also sympathize with her on the loss of her son.
I also learned of a wreck on 85.

Rockin' the Sudoku World:
Just placed in the top 10 on today's Mousebreaker Sudoku puzzle. Go me.

Currently in the works:
A Rockel quiz... hopefully in the next day or two I shall begin a quiz for all you beautiful people out there... participation is, of course, optional... however, I will warn you, the material that we cover will be on the midterm... (but not the final...)

That is all for now...
posted by Rockel @ 4:56 PM   0 comments
01 February, 2006
The end of a 12-hour work day.

Woof, and a woof.

Just keep focused on payday.

Off to bed now to prepare to go in early tomorrow, as, even after 12 hours, we are still behind.
posted by Rockel @ 6:00 PM   0 comments
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Lyrics of the Week

by Tom Waits

("I'd like to do a new song here. This is eh, it's about downtown Los Angeles on 5th Street. And eh all the winos affectionately refer to it as The Nickel. So this is kind of a hobo's lullaby.")

sticks and stones will break my bones,
but i always will be true, and when
your mama is dead and gone,
i'll sing this lullabye just for you,
and what becomes of all the little boys,
who never comb their hair,
well they're lined up all around the block,
on the nickel over there.

so you better bring a bucket,
there is a hole in the pail,
and if you don't get my letter,
then you'll know that i'm in jail,
and what becomes of all the little boys,
who never say their prayers,
well they're sleepin' like a baby,
on the nickel over there.

and if you chew tobacco, and wish upon a star,
well you'll find out where the scarecrows sit,
just like punchlines between the cars,
and i know a place where a royal flush,
can never beat a pair, and even thomas jefferson,
is on the nickel over there.

so ring around the rosie, you're sleepin' in the rain,
and you're always late for supper,
and man you let me down again,
i thought i heard a mockingbird, roosevelt knows where,
you can skip the light, with grady tuck,
on the nickel over there.

so what becomes of all the little boys,
who run away from home,
well the world just keeps gettin' bigger,
once you get out on your own,
so here's to all the little boys,
the sandman takes you where,
you'll be sleepin' with a pillowman,
on the nickel over there.

so let's climb up through that button hole,
and we'll fall right up the stairs,
and i'll show you where the short dogs grow,
on the nickel over there.
